Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sister and Brother Author Children's Story Page


  1. Get Even
    By Keante N.

    Once there were two dogs named Keante and Kyrell and a sister named Kaylin. She was so mean and bossy. They did not like her. One day, the two brothers were playing. They were running around. Then they saw their sister. She came and took the ball. She ran off with it. The brothers ran to get it back they ran in to their mom. She said stop running. The brothers told their mom that their sister took the ball. Their mom said, “Give them the ball.” Their sister said that she lost it. The brothers were very upset, so that night the brothers setup a plan to get back at their sister. The brothers were thinking then the oldest brother Keante said “We could find a bone and place it outside but the bone is going to have cat food on it”. The other brother said good plan so the brothers found a bone and cat food. They dipped the bone inside it. Then they placed it by the tree so the brothers were out playing until they saw their sister. They stopped and looked. Their sister walked to the tree. She picked up the bone and she started to eat it. When the dogs’ sister tasted the cat food, she ran in and got some water. The brothers were laughing so hard; their sister heard them and she went back out. She said,” Why did y’all do that?” The brothers said, ”Why did you lose our ball?” The sister said, “I don`t like y`all” the brothers said the same thing. Since then their sister left them alone.

    The lesson Kaylin learned was to not mess with her brothers or they will get even.

    1. We thought this story was really funny. :)


  2. The Puddle
    By Sabre A.

    Can the puddle see? Can the puddle see you and me?
    Can the puddle talk?
    Can the puddle walk?
    Can the puddle dance?
    Ok give me another chance.
    Can the puddle fly as high as the sky?
    The puddle cannot talk. Nor can it see.
    It cannot walk.
    The puddle can’t dance. The puddle is a puddle and I’ll give you one more chance
    The puddle can talk.
    The puddle can walk.
    The puddle can dance.
    No need for another chance
    You don’t know what you’re talking about.
    Just watch I’ll prove you wrong.
    You’ll see.
    I’m going to show you and me.
    The puddle talks when we drop stuff in it. Splash!
    The puddle can walk when the water ripples.
    The puddle can dance when we jump in it.
    Ha I told you!!
    You thought you knew everything!!

    1. I like the rhythm and I like how you said that the puddle can dance.

  3. Breakfast
    By Paul R.
    I came to my grandma’s home to eat breakfast in the morning, but something happened. I came in and I went to the kitchen. No lights were on in the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I said, “I will make breakfast.” “Ok,” my grandma said. She instructed me on everything. The bacon was hard to make so she made the bacon, because when we put it on the pan, the bubbles were hot and would burn you if you touched them. When the bacon was done, it was very crispy. A lid was put on top of the pan so the bubbles wouldn’t pop. The pan had a shape like a tennis racket but the strings were closer than a tennis racket. But the eggs were easy because they cooked quicker. But I had to flip the eggs when they looked ready enough, so they would cook on both sides. The eggs turned a yellow color that was yellower than the sun. When it was done I felt proud. I reached for my toast and put it on my plate. Then I grabbed the bacon and the eggs and… ate my breakfast proudly but not before I buttered my toast. It was delicious I watched television too while I ate my breakfast.

  4. Kate's Favorite Doll

    By: Ariadna

    Once I had a favorite doll and her name was “Dolly.”
    One day I put her on the table and I saw my friend through the window. I opened the window I said ”hi” to them for a minute from the window.

    When I wasn’t looking my cat Fuzzy took it. When I looked back my doll disappeared. “Where’s my Dolly doll!” I screamed then I saw Fuzzy’s tail so I followed her. Then I tripped on my slipper and then I got back up and I ran to the living room Fuzzy disappeared.

    I started looking Every Where. Every where exept behind the couch. so I went to my mom and said “mom have you seen dolly?” “No maybe your father put it at the laungry so I ran to my father and asked him “Father have you seen my Dolly?” “noooooope” he laughed.

    So that Night I had to go to bed and decide to look for Dolly in the next morning. The morning came It was cold outside then I sat on the couch to watch t.v. Ten seconds later the couch reminded me that I haven’t looked under the pouch and it wasn’t there so I looked behind the couch. there it was my Dolly “Dolly!” I said like a surprise.

  5. By: Marcos

    Sore Loser

    “Ten…Nine…Eight…Seven…Six…Five…Four…Three…Two…ONE! Ready or not hear I come!” shouted Hunter the lion. Pork the porcupine was hiding behind a skimpy bush. Hunter the Lion saw Pork’s quills and he went to investigate the bush. Hunter the Lion shouted, “I got you Pork.” Then Pork said, “How did you find me?” “Hunter stated, “Because of you quills” and Pork threw and tantrum Pork was upset and he cried, “Do not want to talk to them”.

    Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck… GOOSE! Huffy the wolf was it and he picked Quaker Jack the duck is the goose and he is chasing Huffy but Quaker Jack did not get Huffy so Quaker Jack is now the duck. Next Quaker Jack is now it and he picked lion the Hunter. Lion did not get Quaker Jack so lion the Hunter is the duck. Pork did not get picked to be goose. So he threw a tantrum.

    In the second quarter Bob the beaver was throwing a tantrum also cried and was upset because he was losing by 21. His partners never passed him the ball and they also didn’t talk to him. The audience stared to laugh at Bob because he was acting like a baby. So Pork realized that he was acting liked a sore loser at school with his friends. If he keeps acting liked that he would be lonely with no friends.

    The next day when he went to school he did not throw a tantrum or get upset when he did not get picked. Instead he wanted patiently to get picked.

  6. Kate's Favorite Doll - Final Draft

    By: Ari

    Once I had a favorite doll and her name was “Dolly.” She had black button eyes and orange hair. We both have a good time with each other.
    One day I put her on the table because I saw my friend through the window. I opened the window. I said ”hi” to them for a minute from the window.

    When I wasn’t looking my cat Fuzzy took it. When I looked back my doll disappeared. “Where’s my Dolly doll!” I screamed. Then I saw Fuzzy’s tail at the kitchen door so I followed her. Then I tripped on my slipper at the middle of the floor. Then I got back up and I ran to the living room. Fuzzy disappeared.

    I started looking every where. Every where exept behind the couch. So I went to my mom and said “Mom have you seen Dolly?” “No maybe your father put it at the laungry.” So I ran to my father and asked him “Father have you seen my Dolly?” “Noooooope” he laughed.

    So that Night I had to go to bed and decide to look for Dolly in the next morning because if I looked for her now then I would have no rest. The morning came. It was cold outside so I sat on the couch to watch t.v. Ten seconds later the couch reminded me that I haven’t looked under the cushins. It wasn’t there so I looked behind the couch. There was my Dolly. “Dolly!” I said surprised. I learned that I should put my stuff high so it wont disappear.

  7. A New Fairy Tale
    By Paul R.
    The soldier looked through the telescope and said “king, I mean captain the wolf has struck again in village 5. Send the guards it’s too far, they’ll never make it in time.”
    “Fine call squad 8 they’re close enough right?” the king ordered. “Tell them to get the teddy bears.”
    “Ok going on foot or plain?” said the teddy bears.
    The king said, “Half on foot half in the sky.” The person at the telescope said, “Teddy cannon. Ok here’s teddies.” The cannon sounded like boom, boom!
    A soldier yelled, “Teddies are sent, and there’s air support and ground too.”
    The king exclaimed, “We might finally catch him. Men up on the roof make sure he does not come here. Shoot the bunny missiles and ok let’s go men. Click, clack, ready to fire in 3 2 1.” The missiles sounded like br. The king said, “The bunnies have launched lets see what happened. He’s coming fire men fire” soo whoooo “the bunnies missiles coming back at us,” said the king. “The wolf is behind them jump off the castle into the water go, go, go. There’s only alligators and we have swords hey,” the soldier said. “Ground support can you help us?” said the soldier “ya,” the ground support said. “The wolf is on the roof of the castle we need a plan to take down the wolf,” the soldier said. “I think we need more help every one is captured in the dungeon not the villagers,” said the ground support leader.
    Later, the soldier said, “Villagers stand up and help us fight the big bad wolf.” “But he’s big and bad and a wolf” yelled the villagers.
    But the soldiers screamed “but we’re bigger and badder then him.”
    The villagers say back “but he has bunny missiles, weapons, and a big, big, big breath-blower machine in him.” The soldier says “But we can assemble big bear missiles that will beat bunny missiles.”
    “But he has a super-power breath,” said a villager.
    “We can take it if we make little bunny missiles that we stick to the castle so they will take out the floor that he is standing on,” a soldier says, “Who has the biggest house?”
    Tom, a villager, had a mansion that had gold plated windows and diamond handrails with about 27 28-foot rooms.
    The soldiers set up shop in his ginormous top floor, where they created bear missiles and puppy bombs so they could attack the wolf.
    They sent troops in the back way to the castle and got the bear missiles ready to strike. The soldier said “let’s go men. We need to stick the puppy bombs under the floor so he collapses and we can capture him. Puppy bombs to base. The puppy bombs are set, launch the bear missile. In 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 launch, blow. Boom bang pow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Captured, the plan worked, he is captured.” “No why nnnnnnnooooooo,” the wolf yelled out to the guard handcuffing him. The king and the soldiers lived happily ever after. The wolf went to jail and he could not get out because when he tried to huff and puff and blow his way out, it did not work.

  8. Tammy
    And the lost wind
    By: Sabre A.

    There was a girl named Tammy. She was a sassy girl. She didn’t really care what others thought of her. She had a mind of her own. She thought that she should make her own choices. Her parents didn’t really agree with her thoughts. Tammy wanted to live differently but her parents really didn’t have the money.

    Tammy is 18 and has picked up a smoking habit the problem is her mom doesn’t know. She dropped out of school at 13 and she moved to a farm in Texas with her mom. Its been ruff for her for the past 4 years her dad pasted away in a car accident.

    She has tried to explain to her mom that she wants to move some were else. She is tired of that stinky old smell of cow butt and stank grass. “This isn’t right”! Tammy yelled. In just a breath a strong breeze flew past tammy. She thought to herself this has been happening a lot she ran to her room and said what is going on? Am I cursed? O my god tammy started to panic she said I need help. Don’t worry the strong wind said. Wait whaaaa? Tammy said.” This is really creepy I need a cigarette.

    The wind was going past Tammy a lot whenever she did negative things. It almost had a calming effect on Tammy. Tammy got so freaked out that she didn’t talk to her mom at all. Even though this wind wanted her to talk to her mom. Tammy walked to her room very frightened. She started to look at pictures of her and her dad. In every picture she saw her dads wedding ring. It was very shiny and it had a bright diamond in it and shined like the sun. When the wind flew past, she tried to stay as positive as she could. She noticed that the wind had a shine to it, like the shine from the pictures of her and her dad. She said, “Dad?” The wind grew stronger every time she said dad. She wondered why it would do that and then she remembered when she was little. When she called his name he always sat quiet in his comfy chair and never said a word. Tammy said, “Dad?” one last time and then started to cry and said, “Why, why me?” Tammy fell on her bed. Her mom heard her and ran in the room. Tammy yelled and said, “Get out!” The wind didn’t fly past her face. She yelled again, “Why did you do this to me?” Tammy started to straiten up herself. She said sorry and then asked her mom to get out very nicely and then she shut the door and started to pray. She felt the wind surround her as if it was hugging her. She prayed and made a face and said, “Dad,” one last time. Suddenly, she heard a dinging sound, like something metallic was hitting the floor. It was the shiny ring from those pictures! It dropped. It was her dad the whole time! She couldn’t see him, but she could feel and hear him.
