Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Children's Stories by UICRC Student Authors

Brothers vs. Birthdays
By: Dana
           “I’m not going!” shrieked Isabel, as she stormed out of the room.  “You can’t make me go!”  Isabel’s mom could hear her stomping all the way upstairs.  A moment later, she heard a door slam.  Isabel’s mom slumped down on the couch. 
“What should we do?” she asked Isabel’s dad.  “It’s not our fault that Sam’s soccer championship game is on the same day as her friend’s birthday party.”
           Upstairs, Isabel was pacing around her room.  Her best friend in the whole world, Jacqueline, was having a birthday party next Saturday and the whole class was invited and she couldn’t go!  And she didn’t even have a good reason.  Her younger brother, Sam, was playing in a soccer game.  That’s it.  Nothing serious.  Just a soccer game.  But for some reason her parents were making her go watch him play.  Isabel was dreading what was going to happen at school tomorrow when she had to tell Jacqueline that she couldn’t go to her birthday party.  Will she still even want to be my friend? wondered Isabel.  Probably not.
           The next day when Isabel was on her way school, she was extremely nervous.  She hoped Jacqueline would be absent, or at least come in after the bell rang so there wouldn’t be time to talk before class.  No such luck.  When Isabel got out of her mom’s car at school, Jacqueline was waiting by the door, waving frantically.
           “Hi Isabel!” she said excitedly.
           “Hi,” Isabel said gloomily. 
           “Why do you look so sad?” asked Jacqueline.
Isabel thought about making up a story to tell Jacqueline, but she finally decided that it was best to tell the truth. 
           “I just found out that I can’t go to your birthday party on Saturday.  My brother is playing in a soccer game at the same time and my parents are making me go,” said Isabel.
Jacqueline stared at her for what felt like a lifetime, before saying, “Are you sure you have to go for the whole time?  I was really looking forward to bowling with you at my birthday party.”  This made Isabel feel even worse.  Of course she would rather be bowling with Jacqueline and all of their classmates instead of watching her brother play in a silly soccer game.
When Isabel got home from school that afternoon she decided to try one more time to convince her parents to let her go to the birthday party.  She decided to wait until dinnertime, when both of her parents would be home.
“This pasta is delicious!” she said, maybe a bit too enthusiastically.  Her parents exchanged strange looks.  “I just love pasta.  What did you do to make it taste so good?”
“Is there something that you would like to tell us?” asked her mother.  Isabel paused and thought very carefully about what she was going to say next.
“Why yes, there is,” she said sweetly. “This salad is the best I have ever eaten.  What’s in it?”
By this point her parents were extremely suspicious.  “Is this about the soccer game?” her father asked.
Without thinking, Isabel blurted out, “It’snotfairthatIhavetogotothegameIjustwanttogotomyfriend’sbirthdayparty!”
“Woah! Slow down,” said her mother.  “Let’s talk about this.  What did you just say? “
Isabel caught her breath.  “I said, it’s not fair that I have to go to the game.  I just want to go to my friend’s birthday party.”
    By this point, Isabel was close to tears.  This was not how she had intended on approaching the subject.  Too late now.  She took a deep breath and waited for her mother’s response.  When her mother finally spoke, Isabel was busy preparing herself for yet another explanation about why she had to go watch Sam play soccer instead of going to Jacqueline’s awesome bowling birthday party.  
    “What if you came to the first half of Sam’s game and then one of us drives you to the birthday party during halftime?  Can you show up late to the birthday party a little late?”
    Isabel just stared at her mother in disbelief.  When she was finally able to speak again, she blurted out, “YES!” a bit louder than she meant to.  Isabel ran to go call Jacqueline and tell her the great news.  
    On Saturday, Isabel watched her brother score what ended up being the winning goal before heading to the bowling alley for Jacqueline’s birthday party.   She arrived just in time to roll a strike and eat a giant slice of cake.  As she was leaving the birthday party she turned to her mom and said, “Thanks for letting me come to the party.  I had a great time.  I’m also happy for Sam that his team won.”  Isabel’s mom smiled and patted her on the back as they walked to the car.  It had been quite a day.

Bad Cat
by: Vera
“Mowgli!” Jill screamed from inside her bedroom.  “You dirty rotten little…stinker!” she added.  As she emerged from the room with what used to be her favorite pair of slippers, Mowgli jetted under the sofa couch like greased lightning.  This wasn’t the first time he ate something he wasn’t supposed to, and it wouldn’t be his last.
He was the cutest kitten in the litter.  His wide jade green eyes, black and grey stripes like a tiger were irresistible to Moira.  He looked right into her eyes and she knew she wouldn’t leave the shelter without him.  Even Jill was happy to meet their new roommate at first but his cuteness would rub off with every bite.
One night the girls were having a birthday party for Jill and all of their friends came over to celebrate.  Moira and Jill spent hours preparing food for their guests.  They made all of Jill’s favorite foods; a three layer chocolate Oreo cookie cake, pigs in a blanket, chicken wings, quesadillas and chicken parmesan.  It was going to be a feast.
         Mowgli watched from his favorite spot in the kitchen window surveying the dishes they prepared.  He and Jill had similar taste in food.  All of a sudden everyone was gone and he was alone in a room full of treats.  He licked his chops, looking around the room for the girls.  Where had they gone?  He licked his chops for a second time and his stomach took over.  Before he knew it he was under the couch again with a stomachache.
When the girls came out from their rooms dressed for the party they found that the kitchen looked very different from the one they had left.  Bits and pieces of each dish were sprinkled with crumbs.  Everything they cooked for the feast was gone.  The only remains were the wax candles from the birthday cake.
“MOWGLI!” Moira screamed at the top of her lungs as she moved right for his spot under the couch.  She stretched her arm as far as it could reach into the darkness under the couch until she felt his fuzz.
All of a sudden, Mowgli was getting pulled out by his left paw.  Normally Mowgli would have fought back but the rumbling pain in his stomach was crippling his ability to move.  He was ripped from his hiding spot and thrown in the hall closet.
Mowgli knew he shouldn’t have eaten the dinner but his stomach had taken over his ability to think clearly.  He could hear the girls arguing and trying to come up with a plan for the party since they had no food for their guests.  After a while he could hear the sound of visitors.  He longed to join the celebration but knew that he wasn’t going to be welcome.  He waited in the closet until the next morning.
He emerged from the closet hungry again. This time he found himself standing beside Jill as she scanned the refrigerator for breakfast items.  On the bottom shelf sat one of his favorites...leftovers.  He leaned into the door to get a closer look and….SLAM.  
Darkness.  He looked around and could barely see the plate he had his nose on seconds earlier.  Mowgli sniffed around for the leftover macaroni and cheese casserole and began feasting.  Not quite satisfied, he hopped over to the condiments on the shelf above.  It wasn’t long till he had eaten everything of value within his reach.  His eyes began to droop as the fullness in his belly and the damp cold of the refrigerator forced him into a deep sleep.
“Mowgli?  Mowgli?” Moira called.  “Where are you little guy?”  Checking under the bed, on top of the cabinets, under the couch.  He was nowhere to be found.  Jill got home and a search party commenced.  All of their friends from the birthday party were making flyers, calling neighbors, contacting veterinary clinics, and walking the streets with flashlights calling his name.  An entire day had passed since Jill had seen him that morning before breakfast.  Where could he be?
Finally, when all of their friends had left exhausted and hopeless the girls plopped on the couch with a sigh.  Moira turned to Jill and said, “I know I was mad when he ruined the party but I would give him all the food in the world if he would just come home.”  Tears of guilt welled up in her eyes.  Yesterday she had yelled at him and thrown him in a closet. “I miss the little stinker.”  “Me too,” Jill replied.  She sulked over to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk. As she opened the door she squealed as Mowgli calmly walked out of the refrigerator and rubbed his nose on her legs.  Jill looked over from the couch, “That little stinker!”   


  1. Clean Plate Club
    By: Susan Preston

    No one ever warns you of the dangers that await,
    When you believe that dessert is the reward of a clean plate.

    It almost challenges mom and dad to use those left overs in the back
    Just to see how far they can push your digestive tract.

    And so my story begins one family dinner night
    But this all started long before I took that fateful bite.

    You see for a long time now I was president of the Clean Plate Club
    Pridefully, I took office last month upon finishing a meatball sub.

    My term as club president has not been a piece of cake.
    In fact I’ve had more fiber than any normal six-year old can take.

    Pasta, fish sticks, peppers – both green and red, and meat
    All choked down for the promise of a tasty treat.

    Earning dessert was getting too easy, I suspect,
    I had overcome the fear of dinner that my parents had grown to expect.

    Then one night, I sat there waiting at my seat, napkin neatly tied ‘round my neck,
    I had grown so confident that I didn’t even lift a lid to check.

    As my mom lifted the lid, an aroma filled the house
    That would have been the deadly end of an unsuspecting mouse.

    I swear a greenish smoke escaped from that boiling pot
    The combination of smell and sight was causing some uneasy thoughts.

    What if this goo ruins my 30-day perfect record?
    Yikes! Here comes my big-boy bowl from the cupboard!

    One ladle, that’s plenty,
    Another? Sure I could handle twenty.
    I was only kidding!

    As mom carefully carried my bowl, I could hear myself let out a whine,
    This could be it, I thought, I may have to resign.

    “Mmmm. What smells so good?” my father exclaimed upon entering the room.
    Oh, just the odor of your son’s untimely doom.

    Could it be road kill,
    With a hint of dill?

    Perhaps eggplant past its prime
    Or stewed Brussels sprouts covered in slime?

    “Oh this is heavenly,” my father states.
    I wonder if he’d noticed if I swapped plates.

    I hold a spoonful up to my lips.
    What! What was that smile that my parents let slip?!?

    They think they’ve won? This is all a game?
    I refuse to go down in shame.

    And so after 53 painful bites, I’m proud to say,
    I’m still the reigning king to this day!

  2. Baby Bird Fly, Fly Away
    By: Christina D.

    One day, a family of birds was chirping in a tree. The momma and poppa bird were teaching their baby bird, Josh, how to fly. The baby bird was a fast and eager learner and was very close to being able to fly on his own. Josh wanted to be able fly around the lake with his friends. However, his parents wanted him to practice some more until they were sure he could fly on his own and be able to learn ways to stay out of danger. Josh was very confident in his flying ability and was sure he could sneak out of his nest to fly around the lake with his friends just one time without his parents finding out.

    One afternoon, while Josh’s parents were out catching dinner for the family, Josh flew out of his nest. Flying in the warm summer air was an amazing feeling to Josh. He couldn’t believe that his parents hadn’t let him go before. He met up with his friends and they flew around the lake numerous times all afternoon; playing, chasing and diving around. As the evening came closer, a strong storm started brewing across the lake. The winds began to swirl and howl, which dispersed the group of birds. Most of the birds were able to reach their nests safely, except for Josh! He was stuck in the jet stream trying to fly upwind toward his family’s nest. He flapped and flapped his little wings as hard as he could, but it wasn’t helping him move any further. He remembered that his momma and poppa were going to teach him how to fly upwind soon and he had said no. How he wished he had listened!

    Suddenly, something large swooped by Josh on the right. It was his father! His bird friends had alerted his father to let him know he was in danger. Poppa bird flew Josh safely back to their nest. His bird friends thought he would get yelled at by his parents, so they ran away, but Josh’s parents didn’t need to. They knew their son had learned his lesson:

    Always trust your parents—they’re wiser than you.

  3. Baby Bird Fly, Fly Away
    By: Christina D.

    One day, a family of birds was chirping in a tree. The momma and poppa bird were teaching their baby bird, Josh, how to fly. The baby bird was a fast and eager learner and was very close to being able to fly on his own. Josh wanted to be able fly around the lake with his friends. However, his parents wanted him to practice some more until they were sure he could fly on his own and be able to learn ways to stay out of danger. Josh was very confident in his flying ability and was sure he could sneak out of his nest to fly around the lake with his friends just one time without his parents finding out.

    One afternoon, while Josh’s parents were out catching dinner for the family, Josh flew out of his nest. Flying in the warm summer air was an amazing feeling to Josh. He couldn’t believe that his parents hadn’t let him go before. He met up with his friends and they flew around the lake numerous times all afternoon; playing, chasing and diving around. As the evening came closer, a strong storm started brewing across the lake. The winds began to swirl and howl, which dispersed the group of birds. Most of the birds were able to reach their nests safely, except for Josh! He was stuck in the jet stream trying to fly upwind toward his family’s nest. He flapped and flapped his little wings as hard as he could, but it wasn’t helping him move any further. He remembered that his momma and poppa were going to teach him how to fly upwind soon and he had said no. How he wished he had listened!

    Suddenly, something large swooped by Josh on the right. It was his father! His bird friends had alerted his father to let him know he was in danger. Poppa bird flew Josh safely back to their nest. His bird friends thought he would get yelled at by his parents, so they ran away, but Josh’s parents didn’t need to. They knew their son had learned his lesson:

    Always trust your parents—they’re wiser than you.

  4. By: Marcos
    A work in progess…

    “Ten…Nine…Eight…Seven…Six…Five…Four…Three…Two…ONE! Ready or not hear I come!” shouted Hunter the lion. Pork the porcupine was hiding behind a skimpy bush. Hunter the Lion saw Pork’s quills and he went to investigate the bush. Hunter the Lion shouted,“I got you Pork.” Then Pork said,“How did you find me?” “Hunter stated, “Because of you quills” and Pork throw and tantrum Pork was upset and he crays do not want to talk to them.

    Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck… GOOSE! Huffy the wolf is was it and he picked Quaker Jack the duck is the goose and he is chasing Huffy but Quaker Jack did not get Huffy so Quaker Jack is now the duck.

  5. Ice Cream and Crackers
    After school, I dawdled on the walk to my grandmother’s house. The sun shone. The air was warm and the sky blue, but her living room was dim and cramped and smelled like mothballs. She was new to my small town, and I was afraid I wouldn’t know how to talk to her by myself, without my family.
    A long time ago, before she came here, she was formidable. Once when my father was a boy, he sat at the breakfast table for hours, not allowed to leave until he finished the bowl of oatmeal in which he’d found a fly. The lesson of that morning was—Don’t mess with Dorothy.
    She had once scolded me for eating soup too loudly, letting my spoon clank at side of the bowl. What other rules would I break without evening knowing it?
    But then, in her quiet kitchen, a single scoop of vanilla ice cream and three ritz crackers broke the ice between us.
    A long time later, we were interrupted when my mother rang to tell me I was late for dinner. This time, I dawdled in the other direction. Next week, I would hurry back.

    1. I like then way you said i dawdled in the direction. It is beater than saying I walked slowing in the other direction. You did a good job of not saying the same words over.

  6. By: Marcos

    Sore Loser

    “Ten…Nine…Eight…Seven…Six…Five…Four…Three…Two…ONE! Ready or not hear I come!” shouted Hunter the lion. Pork the porcupine was hiding behind a skimpy bush. Hunter the Lion saw Pork’s quills and he went to investigate the bush. Hunter the Lion shouted, “I got you Pork.” Then Pork said, “How did you find me?” “Hunter stated, “Because of you quills” and Pork threw and tantrum Pork was upset and he cried, “Do not want to talk to them”.

    Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck… GOOSE! Huffy the wolf was it and he picked Quaker Jack the duck is the goose and he is chasing Huffy but Quaker Jack did not get Huffy so Quaker Jack is now the duck. Next Quaker Jack is now it and he picked lion the Hunter. Lion did not get Quaker Jack so lion the Hunter is the duck. Pork did not get picked to be goose. So he threw a tantrum.

    In the second quarter Bob the beaver was throwing a tantrum also cried and was upset because he was losing by 21. His partners never passed him the ball and they also didn’t talk to him. The audience stared to laugh at Bob because he was acting like a baby. So Pork realized that he was acting liked a sore loser at school with his friends. If he keeps acting liked that he would be lonely with no friends.

    The next day when he went to school he did not throw a tantrum or get upset when he did not get picked. Instead he wanted patiently to get picked.
