Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sister and Brother Author Page: Poetry


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  2. The Greatest Game Ever: A Poem for Two Voices
    By Keante N.

    Basketball Football

    do your best
    game time!

    guard Kyrell! tackle him

    get on D!!

    dribble up the court run up the field

    foul by reaching in flag if you hit the kicker

    make that shot to win the game make the winning play

    getting buckets get it in the goal line

    be a team player

    practice makes you better
    hard work pays off
    when you win the championship

    1. Correct formatting doesn't display. My apologies!

  3. Day at the Pool, Parents Ruined It.
    By Paul R.

    Lots of fun. Extreme fun. Outrageous fun.
    Jump in! I’m Jumping! Jump! Jump! Jump!
    Let’s sit here. Ok.
    Then why are we going into the pool?
    I’m putting my stuff here.
    So waaaaaaarm.
    Splash, you’re wet now.
    Splash, splash, splash. Now I’m really wet.
    Time to go. Let’s go. Going time. We’re going now!
    No. No. No. Noooooo!

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    1. Where I’m From And Now Here!!!!

      By: Sabre A.

      I am from the low down
      That boring Monday that
      Sound of loud music
      I am from the side where people talk
      About others to put them down
      I am from tall and short
      The side where people don’t play sports because
      Of their gender
      I am from The south side
      the side where
      Violence is all about the side where kids kill kids
      the side Where I feel down
      I am the person
      Who’s ready!
      ready To leave
      ready to explore!
      I am from that soft beat
      In you body that tells
      You to chill be calm
      I am from the side that
      the side where
      Others accept me for me,
      the side where
      I have friends the side where
      it’s nice

      The good side

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  6. By: Marcos

    Feb 9

    Took a shower
    My mom sang me a happy birthday song
    My arm was sore and
    If I get punched one more time
    My arm will fall of

    Won a game in recess
    I was sweaty, tired,
    I could not
    See my partners
    Because there was
    A lot of people
    And I was able
    To hear was the
    bouncing basketballs dribbling
    6th time winning

    1. Happy Birthday! Hope all your birthday wishes come true : )

  7. Once It Was a Snowy Day
    By: Dana

    Once it was a snowy day
    And I heard the weatherman on the TV say,
    “No school tomorrow. Stay off the street!”
    With that news I immediately jumped to my feet.

    “Yippee!! This is the best!”
    I had totally forgotten to study for my math test.
    I got myself ready to go dive in the snow
    But I stopped short when my mom said, “No.”

    “What? Why not?” I asked in shock.
    She stared at me and pointed at the clock.
    I looked up and the hands pointed to 8.
    I guess she thought it was too late

    But tomorrow I know
    That before sunrise,
    I’ll already be buried in 3 feet of snow.
    (And this should come as no surprise)

  8. Valentine's Day Party
    By: Arianda

    Every day the class was loud
    and this time they didn't want three strikes
    so the class tried to make the teacher proud
    they had to do something that the teacher likes

    So they had to be quiet and get their work done
    they have to prove they can earn their party
    they want to earn it so they can have fun
    so each kid tried to be a smarty

    The teacher came and she liked what she saw
    she took the three strikes off the board
    and all the kids yelled, "Hurrah!"
    they earned the party as a reward

  9. Bad Hair Day
    By: Sabre A.

    Gum is in my hair
    I feel scared
    I need help on my hair
    I cut it
    But too far
    Why does this have to be so hard?
    I pull and tug
    I just saw a bug
    I need to go to school!!!!
    The girls will call me a fool
    Let me brush my teeth
    Ohhhh noooo
    What is this I see?
    Is this toothpaste in my hair?
    It's supposed to be on my teeth
    Maybe I should wash it
    No too long
    Ding!!! Dong!!!
    There goes Tom
    O well it's not
    Like I'm going to prom!!!!!

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  11. Ode to My Pink Room
    by: Marcos

    My sister’s old
    room is pink
    every boy
    does not like pink
    boys like
    and all the
    other colors
    anything but pink and purple
    now I’m stuck with

    My small room
    Has toys
    that make noises
    when you
    click the button

    Cozy blanket
    Soft like a
    lions fur
    Ugly blanket is
    as rough as a rug.

    On the side
    Of my bed
    It is fast
    I wish I had
    a red speedy car
    like the one I got
    at the book fair
    that everyone
    was jealous of.

  12. Kinship Poem: Fire

    Poem 1
    By: Vera

    Makes warm
    Burns restricted
    Yearning to make a break
    A chance
    Wind blows
    Starlight of spark
    Twists and turns
    Floating down...
    Tsss. Ouch!

    Poem 2
    By: Dana

    Don't blow it
    Only one chance
    One sudden move
    And the light of opportunity
    Could fade away

  13. Enough

    By: Sabre A.

    Is this enough for you?
    Are you happy?
    Do you want to put me down?
    And upset me?
    I’m not afraid of you!
    You’re not important to me!
    You can push me around all you want
    Is this enough?

    I can do whatever I feel
    You don’t tell me what to do
    Since you’re big you think you’re strong
    You can’t keep messing with us
    One day,
    One day you will understand the pain I go through everyday
    People laughing, talking about me
    It’s sad, what if you were me?
    I feel down everyday
    You don’t understand
    Is this enough?

  14. Shark
    by: Marcos

    There once was a shark hungry for a meal
    Looking near the shore for a big fat seal.

    Seal was dotted
    Shark easily spotted

    Hungry for dessert he’s hunting for an eel.

  15. Disney II
    By Keante N.

    When you walk to my school
    you see a light brown brick building,
    The school name Disney II
    is on the front of the building.
    Two black double doors on each side.
    When the school is still in session it’s quiet but when it’s the end of the day its LOUD!!
    We have bare trees around the school.
    We have a black fence that’s surrounding the grassy field where we play football.

    When you go in side of the school you see a lot of navy blue and yellow.
    To the left is the office, to the right is where the security is.
    When you go up to the 2nd floor, it’s a wide hall with lockers on the side.
    During passing period its always busy and it’s very LOUD!!
    While you are walking you hear people talking about different things.

    The school makes me VERY VERY sad when I go inside because it’s just so boring and I would rather be sleeping on certain days.

  16. Haikus
    By Keante N.

    Video Games

    I like to play games
    Xbox one and Ps4
    I play all night long


    Basketball is the
    Best. Also Football is OK
    I play both all day


    Iphone are awesome
    Androids are horrifying
    I have an iphone


    Skeletons support
    Babies’ bones are cartilage
    Backbone is vertebrae

  17. Wild Child
    By: Sabre A. and Susan P.

    Wild child
    Discover the world child
    Run like the wind child
    Make your dreams come true child

    Wild child
    Food in her hair child
    Polka dots with stripes child
    My child

    Wild child
    Adventurous child
    Skinned kneed and sunburned child
    Lost in her daydreams child

    Wild child
    Learn child
    Think for yourself child
    Define your future child

    Be yourself child
    Fly child

  18. One Sick Grandma
    By: Ariadna

    One time it was summer and my grandma was sick
    She had to go to a hospital and stay.
    Then I started to feel like a lonely brick
    Its like I’m drowning in a bay.

    Then I said “oh I feel blue”
    So I just waited for my grandma to feel better
    One day the dr. said she might not live that long.
    After summer it was winter and she wore a sweater
    they kept trying to make her better but it went wrong.

    Then she started getting worse
    The problem was that she has cancer
    So there was a nurse.
    She said that she knew the answer

    Its that she had cancer at level three
    Then my grandma got even worse and even more sick.
    And everytime we kept coming to visit her we had to pay it was not free
    So I hope she would be better again quick.

  19. Ode to My Dog
    By Paul R.

    I love dogs!
    The golden fur and the floppy ears.
    I’m squirting him with a squirt bottle squirt, squirt
    Mouth stretched wide, trying to fit the whole doorway around him. Water spraying everywhere, but mostly in his mouth.
    Calm, not hyper, or energetic unless you start playing with him.
    Dogs going crazy, him just walking calmly to what he didn’t know was going to be his owner.
    Like a big teddy bear you want to hug
    Running so fast, when he stops he slides on.
    An adorable dog named Toby.

  20. This Is Just to Say
    By Paul R.

    No homework
    I forgot last night.
    I’m starting it

    and no
    report either, Mr. Stu
    I’ll do it now.

    Forgive me
    I played video games
    So free
    So fun.

  21. The start of a short story. by: Marcos

    Chicago Ilinois is packed with cars and people. Anna knows what is happing in her class. She doesn’t like homework because it is hard also it is to much. It takes to much of to day and she is in 6th grade.

    Anna said what is the answer for 9 and Bob said no he went to get a drink water Anna creaped over and looked at his paper and go the answer.

    She has pink room has a lot a of gairl stuff. She is reading her book in her room and she starts to blare off a did not know what she read.

  22. Two Haiku by Paul R.

    Must be winter there
    blotches of snow on that tree
    I'm throwing some snow!!

    No gloves hand hits snow
    ah I'm relaxing on snow
    sooo cold eating ice
