Monday, January 26, 2015


If blue is the color of distance
I am Azure
Last notes of a melody echo
Vanish lightly into mist
Sighs drift along the horizon
We are strangers

Who knew each other too well.


  1. Disenchanted, disappointed
    All illusions tossed to the side of the road.
    All future hopes are now hidden away
    Into a dark, deep corner of the mind.
    When all you wanted was the best, to be great
    Is it so bad to have had expectations and hopes?
    What could I have done better?
    What should I have done differently?
    What can I do to fix it?

    Why do I take all the blame?

  2. WORDS by:V.Schneider

    First words
    Uttered to mama
    Up I go as
    She swirls me around
    Kisses my lips
    Begs to hear more

    Words come
    Easy now
    It is all I can do
    Can’t remember
    Learning how

    Come so freely
    Emotion took a hold
    Words make trouble

    Words muffled with restraints
    Chains upon
    My voice

  3. Living Room by S. Lane

    Comfy red velvet chair,
    And books in piles, falling over:
    Who Lives Under the Snow?
    In the Town All Year Round,
    Harry Potter
    (Careful not to lose the bookmark!)
    Don’t slip on the paper skyscraper slowly crumpling next to the chair
    (Its tubes are not as strong as Willis Tower steel.)
    Small boys were here:
    T-Rex and Stegosaurus are friends, attacking the radiator together.

  4. Muzzled by S. Preston

    Speak smart
    Don’t let it slip out
    That you could be from where
    Ebonics is our shout

    Speak smart
    Annunciate those ending sounds
    For who knows
    What repercussions may abound

    Speak smart
    Your future is on the line
    Colleges will ignore
    Careers will decline.

    Speak smart
    You have something to prove
    To a nation that’s awaiting
    A certain wrong move.

    Speak smart
    A culture has high hopes
    To see us overcome
    A long history that began with ropes.

  5. Silence.
    That's what they want and think
    they have achieved.
    But can you ever truly
    someone who has a story to tell?
    My voice may have been muted
    but my story will not be lost.
    My eyes scream out
    of the pain
    the hardship
    the injustice.
    There's always a story to be told.
    Sometimes you have to listen
    with your other senses
    to discover what is behind the
